Wednesday, 11 December 2019

Meeting author Nathan Dylan Goodwin

While at a RootsTech London pre-conference dinner in October I finally got to meet genealogical crime mystery author Nathan Dylan Goodwin, whose books I have written about here. My father is a DNA match with his aunt, and while he has cracked the case and worked out the exact link, I don't recognise any of the family names.

My relative, Barry, lives near the setting of Nathan's books, so he gave me a guided tour of his local area and all of the prominent locations. We visited Rye together, the location of Morton's home, The House With Two Front Doors. It was a dream come true to visit Rye. It's long been on my list of places to visit, and to have Barry as my local tour guide was fantastic.

Barry & I in Rye
What's left of The Asylum, the setting of Nathan's most recent book

What's left of The Asylum, the setting of Nathan's most recent book

Hailsham Anglican Church

Hailsham Library

The Kings Head Cacklebury where Morton & Juliette had their first date

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